port cable car

Barcelona port cable car

The cable car of the Port is a way to go to the Montjuic mountain in a unique way with a cabin from the port area of ​​Barcelona. It has three stations, two of them are two emblematic towers of the city in the maritime area of ​​Barcelona.

How to get to Montjuic with the cable car from the port

The port cable car is a special means of transport to get to and from Montjuic from the maritime zone, specifically from Barceloneta, since it has three stations, but the intermediate station is disabled for passenger access and disembarkation. The station located in Montjuic is at the end of Avenida Miramar, at the back of the Hotel Miramar, in the park that bears the same name, Parque Miramar. The air shuttle as it is also known consists of two cabins of 19 people capacity, each one located in a station and when making the trip they go in the opposite direction, crossing in the middle tower ending the journey at the station from where the journey had begun. the other cabin.

Schedule from the cable car of the port

El horario 2021 excepcional como medidas covid es de 10:30h. a 19:00h.

Lunes y martes cerrados.

Winter hours are from 11: 00h. at 5:30 p.m. (November, December, January and February) The hours of March, April, May and from September 12 to October 27 are from 10:30 a.m. at 7:00 p.m. Summer time is 10:30 am. at 8:00 p.m. and they are the months of June, July, August and until September 11. On December 25 it is closed.

Port Cable Car ticket price

The port cable car ticket can only be purchased at the ticket offices located in the stations. It does not have an online ticket sale, unlike the Montjuic cable car that goes up to the Castle, which does have the option to buy in advance online. The ticket price is: IDA: 11 euros ROUND TRIP: 16.50 euros

Port air ferry

The cable car or aerial ferry of Barcelona or the port as it is also known is one of the two Montjuic cable cars. The operating systems are different since the one that goes to the Castle is a detachable gondola with which it is not necessary to stop to go up the passage and this ropeway is reciprocating, with which it makes the journey and leaves the passage, enters the new passage and return to make another trip.


10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. from Wednesday to Sunday

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